Endings and Beginnings

As we move through the crossroads, endings always bring new beginnings. Many times, we see endings as disappointments. We hold on as long as we can and can’t seem to move through the crossroads. I like to see endings as graduations. When I have completed a chapter of my life, I have learned its time to let go and move on. These transitions can involve many things like careers, relationships, and even life. They were once very important but are now complete.

The story of the phoenix teaches us the lesson of endings and beginnings. In Greek mythology, the phoenix is a mythological bird that regenerates its own life. When it felt its impending death, the phoenix would ignite itself into a magnificent fire. Later, it reemerged from its own ashes, reborn. The phoenix knows that endings always inspire new beginnings. It knows when to let go!

I’ve learned if I can let go when it’s time, endings bring a great sense of freedom. In the past, I’ve held on way too long and it was painful. I knew deep down that it was time, but I didn’t want to accept it. I didn’t know what my new beginning would look like, so I felt it was safer to stay. I also didn’t know how to do endings gracefully with love and compassion.

When memories show up, it makes me think about all the other chapters of my life that have ended so I could start something new. I believe all endings and beginnings are an adventure that should be celebrated.

Some endings really hit home. One of my classmates, Jack, died suddenly of a massive heart attack in the middle of the night. I had not seen him since our last reunion and was so looking forward to reconnecting with him. We went through all twelve grades of school together and were good friends. At the last reunion we talked about getting together; he even sent me an email to connect. I was busy with my life and business and put off responding. Now he is gone. A few of us went to his reviewal and then out to dinner. We toasted Jack and celebrated his life. I know Jack is beginning a new adventure!

It’s important to remember the lessons of ebb and flow, endings and new beginnings. I celebrate each day as an amazing adventure to be lived to the fullest with passion and purpose. Endings are sure to happen because a new adventure is right around the corner. Let’s celebrate!

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